My Daily Rant - 4.05.08 - The Sidekick - Key To Our Destruction
So I normally manage to fit a lot of crap up here and pass them off as announcements but today I will spare you people all of the crazy stuff that I normally write here. As of now, it is late but I am writing this out so people can wake up to it and read it nicely with a hang over and I cannot sleep for some outstanding reason.
Disclaimer- Everything to follow this is completely satirical. It is not meant for anyone to catch feelings. These comments are childish, immature, and nonfactual.
Apparently in the year 2011 the Mayans (I cannot actually remember) predicted that the end of the world will take place. Although this is how it is interpreted, it does not always mean that this is, in fact, true. This is the desire of cynics around the world for the big shabazz to end on this day. Now if I was in an actual forum discussing this I would argue heavily on the opposite side of insanity but I will veer a sharp right for this rant. Would you like to know a sign of the coming apocalypse?
The Sidekick.
The sidekick has managed to take technology which was previously only for computers and place them in the palm of everyone’s hands. The Sidekick single handedly revitalized AIM and a spread like crack through the ghettos of the
People who use the sidekick tend to have a delusion of grandeur. They think that they are the “shit” by using it frequently during other people’s sentences, during class, at funerals and weddings, or during your wife’s birth. The side kick has single handedly dominated and spat out everything Hooked on Phonics tried so hard to make main stream.
Instead of full sentences’ and aim speak, it turned into sidekick speak. “Hit me up on my “kick””. “HEY I am not a complete loser for having two phones WHICH CAN do the same thing and using them for each.” “The other day I was texting [insert mindless dribble hear] and I almost DIED?” THE QUESTION MARK IS NECESSARY. SO IS THE CAPITAL LETTERS AND PEOPLE TYPE IN CAPITAL LETTERS ON SIDEKICK TO LOOK “MORE HOOD”. Not only is all caps popular, ThiiS iiS ExTreeMlii PoPulArr.
How do you read that? I have no idea.
Have you ever tried to have a conversation with a person that is USING a sidekick? It is insane how they just manage to pay as little attention to you as possible. It would actually be easier to send them a message and wait the 30 seconds than to get an immediate answer.
BuTT ii GueSS ThAtt MeeAnS wE ArEE all ScreWWed?
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